is a composer and sound artist based in Madrid.

What you are reading is an artist statement where I have to talk about myself in the third person.

Artist statements are a jail, don´t be a prisoner.

>> Live Dates<<

   Projects ︎

    Discography ︎

Concerto para Plantas
Live In Taipei
Dios, Ministerio, Lluvia y Poder
TTIGII (as Negrønegrø)
TTIG (as Negrønegrø)

    I’ve been performing live shows ans exhibiting projects at ︎

>> Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
>> Teatro Circo Price
>> C. Cultura Contemporánea CondeDuque
>> La Casa Encendida
>> Espacio Fundación Telefónica
>> Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
>> Media Lab Prado
>> Tabakalera Donosti
>> SEMINCI Valladolid
>> Museo de la Memoria Montevideo
>> Heritage Space Hanoi
>> Meta House Phnom Penh
>> Sonic Dreams Festival Ireland
>> Wos Festival Santiago
>> Intramurs Valencia
>> Taipei Community Radio
>> Teatro Replika
>> La Pascasia Medellin
>> MOUTOU Kuala Lumpur

     Social Media ︎

Music for Being Silica by Andrés Jaque (Performa 21, NYC)

Music & sound composition for the piece Being Silica created by Andrés Jaque and his Office for Political Innovation at Performa 2021 NYC. 

Curated by Charles Aubin, Senior Curator & Head of Publications, Performa Biennal 2021.

Andrés Jaque (Office for Political Innovation), Being Silica (2021). Performa Commission for the Performa 2021 Biennial. Pics courtesy Walter Wlodarczyk.


In a 45-minute-long meditative sound piece performed for an intimate audience on three consecutive mornings at the Top of the Rock, the Rockefeller Center’s observation deck, architect Andrés Jaque and his Office for Political Innovation invited spectators to sensorially experienced the interconnection of the city and the countryside, buildings and nature.

Set up 850 feetabove Fifth Avenue, in this epic achievement of the WPA era that offers sweeping views of Manhattan and its periphery, the performance examined the complex history of construction in New York.

Gathered at dawn, the audience was invited to “attune” with their environment and study the city’s skyline, from its early skyscrapers downtown to the rise of post-war glass towers and the more recent “pencil towers.”

Curated by Charles Aubin, Senior Curator & Head of Publications.


Andrés Jaque (Office for Political Innovation): Being Silica is supported by Toby Devan Lewis, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, a grant from Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), and the Spanish Cultural Services, Consulate of Spain New York City.

In collaboration with Paula Vilaplana and José Luis Espejo
With the special participation of Doug Crowghost, Ray Kemble, Vera Scroggins, and Simone TwoShields

Andrés Jaque, Eno Chen, María Alejandra Linares, Jesse McCormick, Marcos Mouronte, Paula Vilaplana

Scientific Advisors:
Wojciech Gajek, Ryan Schultz

Text Editing:
Walter Ancarrow, Mariana Fernández

José Luis Espejo

José Venditti

Field Recordings:
Guillaume Capsowl Voisin, José Luis Espejo

Seismic Records:
Wojciech Gajek

VILAKANG (Chije Kang, Paula Vilaplana)

Video Editing:
Romke Hoogwaerts

Studio Recordings:
John Bravebull, Joseph Hazan

Technical Direction:
André Ferreira

Scenic Lead:
JD Fontanella

Audio Engineer:
Vincent Dee

Lighting Technician:
Edward Charrette

Assistant Audio Technicians:
Heidi Lorentz, Mike Nelson

Stage Hand:
Corey Hucks

Production Assistant:
Andres Barbosa

Review Here


En una pieza sonora meditativa de 45 minutos de duración interpretada para una pequeña audiencia a lo largo de tres amaneceres consecutivos en la azotea del Rockefeller Center, el arquitecto Andrés Jaque y la Office for Political Innovation invitaron a los espectadores a experimentar sensorialmente la interconexión de la ciudad y el campo, los edificios y la naturaleza.

Ubicado a 850 pies sobre la Quinta Avenida, en este logro épico de la era WPA que ofrece vistas panorámicas de Manhattan y su periferia, la actuación examinará la compleja historia de la construcción en Nueva York.

Reunidos al amanecer, se invitó a la audiencia a "sintonizarse" con su entorno y estudiar el horizonte de la ciudad, desde sus primeros rascacielos en el centro de la ciudad hasta el surgimiento de las torres de vidrio de la posguerra y las más recientes "torres de lápiz".

Curado por Charles Aubin, Senior Curator & Head of Publications.


Andrés Jaque (Office for Political Innovation): Being Silica is supported by Toby Devan Lewis, the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, a grant from Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), and the Spanish Cultural Services, Consulate of Spain New York City.

In collaboration with Paula Vilaplana and José Luis Espejo
With the special participation of Doug Crowghost, Ray Kemble, Vera Scroggins, and Simone TwoShields

Andrés Jaque, Eno Chen, María Alejandra Linares, Jesse McCormick, Marcos Mouronte, Paula Vilaplana

Scientific Advisors:
Wojciech Gajek, Ryan Schultz

Text Editing:
Walter Ancarrow, Mariana Fernández

José Luis Espejo

José Venditti

Field Recordings:
Guillaume Capsowl Voisin, José Luis Espejo

Seismic Records:
Wojciech Gajek

VILAKANG (Chije Kang, Paula Vilaplana)

Video Editing:
Romke Hoogwaerts

Studio Recordings:
John Bravebull, Joseph Hazan

Technical Direction:
André Ferreira

Scenic Lead:
JD Fontanella

Audio Engineer:
Vincent Dee

Lighting Technician:
Edward Charrette

Assistant Audio Technicians:
Heidi Lorentz, Mike Nelson

Stage Hand:
Corey Hucks

Production Assistant:
Andres Barbosa

Reseña Aquí
