Label: Audiotalaia
Year: 2019

(EN) José Venditti has been travelling and touring for over 6 months around Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Camboya, Taiwan and Hong Kong. During this trip Venditti has been reading and researching on Timothy Morton's idea of the hyperobjects:
“Hyperobjects to describe objects that are so massively distributed in time and space as to transcend spatiotemporal specificity ”
Inspired by it, he started to work on the four pieces here presented.
The pieces have been made trying to create sonic hyperobjects assembled using recorded and found sounds and old materials form previous performances. Overall, a magma of deconstructed sax and cello loops, jungle and urban field recordings as well as de-humanized and synthetized melodies drift in space and time through this sonic collage of ideas and fleeting moments.
All music, composed, mixed and recorded by José Venditti.
Cello (track 3) by Itxaso Navarro
Fx Voices by Paola Fernandez
Sax and Granular synth by José Venditti
Album released by AudioTalaia
(SP) José Venditti ha estado viajando en 2018 durante 6 meses por Tailandia, Vietnam, Malasia, Camboya, Taiwan y Hong Kong. Durante este viaje, Venditti estaba leyendo e investigando las ideas de Timothy Morton acerca de los Hiperobjetos:
"Hiperobjetos para describir objetos que han sido distribuidos de manera masiva en tiempo y espacio y que trascienden una especificidad espaciotemporal"
Inspirado por ello, empezó a trabajar en las cuatro piezas que aquí se presentan. Las piezas han sido compuestas tratando de crear hiperobjetos sonoros, con fragmentos de sonidos recolectados durante el viaje, viejas grabaciones de antiguas sesiones de improvisación y nuevo material grabado.
Sonidos de saxofón deconstruídos y repetidos, cellos, grabaciones de jungla y ciudades y melodías emocionales sintetizadas y deshumanizadas.