is a composer and sound artist based in Madrid.

What you are reading is an artist statement where I have to talk about myself in the third person.

Artist statements are a jail, don´t be a prisoner.

>> Live Dates<<

   Projects ︎

    Discography ︎

Concerto para Plantas
Live In Taipei
Dios, Ministerio, Lluvia y Poder
TTIGII (as Negrønegrø)
TTIG (as Negrønegrø)

    I’ve been performing live shows ans exhibiting projects at ︎

>> Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
>> Teatro Circo Price
>> C. Cultura Contemporánea CondeDuque
>> La Casa Encendida
>> Espacio Fundación Telefónica
>> Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
>> Media Lab Prado
>> Tabakalera Donosti
>> SEMINCI Valladolid
>> Museo de la Memoria Montevideo
>> Heritage Space Hanoi
>> Meta House Phnom Penh
>> Sonic Dreams Festival Ireland
>> Wos Festival Santiago
>> Intramurs Valencia
>> Taipei Community Radio
>> Teatro Replika
>> La Pascasia Medellin
>> MOUTOU Kuala Lumpur

     Social Media ︎

Madrid Oscillations

Project In Progress

Solo Project

Date: 2016

(EN)        Madrid Oscillations is a project that pretends to show different oscillations present in the big structures of the city of Madrid through recordings made with contact microphones.

This technique is used in order to collect the sound waves that the structures themselves create, and that depend on external factors that cause them and that determine the pulse of the city.

These recordings are subsequently edited, subjectively selecting the most interesting parts, then passing the audio through resonators emphasizing the original recording and creating small sound pieces representative of each place where they have been taken.

(SP)        Madrid Oscillations es un proyecto sonoro que muestra diferentes oscilaciones presentes en las grandes estructuras de la ciudad de Madrid mediante grabaciones realizadas con micrófonos de contacto.

Se utiliza esta técnica con el fin de recoger las ondas sonoras que las propias estructuras crean por sí mismas, y que dependen de factores externos que las provocan y que determinan el pulso de la ciudad.

Estas grabaciones son posteriormente editadas, seleccionando subjetivamente las partes más interesantes, pasando después los audios a través de resonadores enfatizando la grabación original y creando pequeñas piezas sonoras representativas de cada lugar donde se han tomado.
