is a composer and sound artist based in Madrid.

What you are reading is an artist statement where I have to talk about myself in the third person.

Artist statements are a jail, don´t be a prisoner.

>> Live Dates<<

   Projects ︎

    Discography ︎

Concerto para Plantas
Live In Taipei
Dios, Ministerio, Lluvia y Poder
TTIGII (as Negrønegrø)
TTIG (as Negrønegrø)

    I’ve been performing live shows ans exhibiting projects at ︎

>> Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
>> Teatro Circo Price
>> C. Cultura Contemporánea CondeDuque
>> La Casa Encendida
>> Espacio Fundación Telefónica
>> Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
>> Media Lab Prado
>> Tabakalera Donosti
>> SEMINCI Valladolid
>> Museo de la Memoria Montevideo
>> Heritage Space Hanoi
>> Meta House Phnom Penh
>> Sonic Dreams Festival Ireland
>> Wos Festival Santiago
>> Intramurs Valencia
>> Taipei Community Radio
>> Teatro Replika
>> La Pascasia Medellin
>> MOUTOU Kuala Lumpur

     Social Media ︎

Live In Taipei

Cassette, digital.

Label: Crystal Mine
Year: 2019

(EN)        In 2018, I was traveling and playing around Southeast Asia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Last October, I was invited by Taipei Community Radio to perform a live-set with them.

I decided to play an improvisation set mixing a lot of material that I had recorded in the last months during my trip, saxophone sounds that I recorded on the way, and voices/other real time sounds.

In that set were born pieces and fragments of my last studio work "HiperObjetos".

This tape contains the result of that live set divided in 2 faces.

(SP)        En 2018, estuve viajando y tocando alrededor del sudeste asiático, Taiwan y Hong Kong. En Octubre fui invitado por Taipei Community Radio para realizar un live-set con ellos. Ese día decidí tocar un set de improvisación mezclando gran parte del material que había grabado en los últimos meses durante el viaje, sonidos de saxofón que grababa en ruta, y voces y otros sonidos tocados en vivo.

En ese set nacieron piezas y fragmentos de lo que ha sido mi último trabajo de estudio “HiperObjetos”.

Esta cinta contiene el resultado de la grabación de ese live set dividida en 2 caras.
